Monday, August 30, 2010

Revisting the Fabric

Well, that was an unexpectedly long break from blogging!

Since last I wrote we had a 10 day family vacation, gloriously free of laptops (for me, at least). It was a needed break from technology. Our trip involved visiting with lots of wonderful friends all around Virginia and then heading to a beach house on Bethany Beach in Delaware. It was GREAT – but as usual never long enough.

Among tons of wonderful things I did, one of the most soul-enriching for me was a fantastic unplanned catching up with 2 of my favorite women in the world at the same time. One friend I was staying with – the other was living in the same town of Charlottesville, Virginia, but I’d been unable to reach her. The single night we were there staying with Martha, I got a call from Sarah, who I haven’t seen in ages. In fact, it’s been long enough that she has become a doctor since I saw her last. She was working the night shift at a hospital and it was slow, so Martha and I ran over to hang out with her. Amazingly, I got to spend over 2 hours of uninterrupted glorious conversation time with two women who I love. Martha and Sarah got to know each other, I got caught up with life and dreams and husbands and fears and joys and successes. It’s incredible when you can talk to people who you respect and love and find so much that you relate to in each other. Whether it’s good stuff or bad stuff or just boring stuff – connecting with those like-minded people and personalities make me feel like an important part of a much larger fabric. A feeling I sometimes need to be reminded of. That night, I hit the bed with a huge smile and a thrilled and contented heart.

I hope it won’t be that long before I see them again – but it warms me to know that no matter how much time passes, there are some people who you can just fall right back into the same lifelong and easy pattern with. And having that with more than one person – well, I have lot to be thankful for.

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